
Chapter 30: Questing, Part 4

"So, hybrids are called Signers?" Blaze asked, to which Storm nodded.

"When Astrals don't train for long periods of time, a defect in the blood occurs and it melds with normal Astral blood since it's in the same body. When the blood gets passed to a kid, then a reaction happens, and that baby becomes a Signer. I don't think there's a danger unless that baby grows up to try to be a super monk or something and trains every day." Storm explained.

"So that's how that works? Shit, that sucks for you, man." Blaze said.

Solana then threw a book across the room, hitting the boy's head. Blaze winced and held his head in pain. This reminded the boy of a certain someone, which made him smile.

"Don't be insensitive!" Solana yelled.

Blaze looked at Scion then yelled back, "It was a damn joke!" Blaze crossed his arms angrily. Storm stifled a laugh, unable to hold it in and laughed aloud.

"You guys are something, really," he said to them.