As Jeff entered the bathroom he tugged the old metal door shut behind him, but Liberty, undaunted, grabbed the handle and opened the men's room door.As she entered, the smell hit her full force, that of old urine and sweat.Countless graffiti marred the walls, although it was an improvement over the awful ecru color of the cinder block walls.Between the two toilet stalls, toilet paper spilled across the cement floor, the metal doors of the stalls carved up with names and crude words.The two sinks didn't look as if they had been cleaned in ages, ditto for the dirty mirrors.One wall sported a row of urinals, their porcelain bowls faded to a rusty yellow.
Jeff, who hadn't realized the attorney had followed him inside, began to unzip his jeans in front of one of the urinals.
"All I'm asking," Liberty continued as she walked up behind him, "is a chance to seek bail for my client, a reasonable request.Madeline Kime isn't a flight risk or a danger to the community."