Lisa once again entered the address for her next appointment with Christy Terrell into the navigation system of her car and followed the clear and concise directions. She arrived a little early, parked at the curb, and studied the neighborhood. Not much different than Autumn's area except the houses were slightly bigger and not kept up as well. She got out of the car and walked up the walk to the house. Three steps up and she was on the porch standing at the front door. She rang the bell.
A moment later, a pleasant and happy-looking woman answered the door. "You must be that Detective Luke said was coming by to talk to Christy about Autumn. Oh, that poor girl, I hope they find her soon."
"Yes, I do as well. Is Christy home yet?"
"No but I expect her any minute. Come on in and sit down. We can chat until she gets here." The pleasant woman was very hospitable and her housekeeping skills were immaculate. What the outside of the house didn't have made up for the inside.