Chapter 40: Changes, Part 4

This was a switch. I should be the one comforting him, not the other way around. But it felt nice to have his arms around me, holding me close, even if it wouldn't last. The tears from all the years of pent up emotions fell drop by tiny drop onto his shirt. And a moment later, he was kissing my hair, and my forehead, then he gently kissed away the glistening tears upon my cheeks, then lightly brought his lips to mine.

"Don't," I stopped him, pulling away.

"Why?" Zac had a hurt look on his face.

"Because you're going to leave me and I just couldn't bear it if you kissed me, then left." I sounded like a heart-broken schoolgirl as my tears trailed down my cheeks.

"Shush," Zac cooed, turning my chin with his fingertip again, until my eyes locked with his. His eyes were filled with love and concern as they probed mine, his eyebrows pulling together. "Abigail, I'm not going anywhere," Zac said, then added, "unless it's with you." Then, his lips crushed down onto mine moving over mine with intense hunger, leaning me back onto the hood of the car. He held me tightly to his chest as he laid beside me, moving his lips hungrily with mine and his hand slid down my leg. Soon, I let my guard down, and opened my heart to him, as my passion met his, returning his love as my hand moved down his back and pulled him into my chest. I hadn't realized how much of my heart I had been holding back from him as my lips trailed down to his neck, kissing him hungrily, allowing him to catch his breath, then my lips found his again a moment later. His arms wrapped around me, arching my back, pulling me close, as he opened his heart and passion to me. Our souls caressed one to the other as our passion built and our lips and bodies hungered for each other. Then a moment later, Zac pulled away, breathless.

"What's wrong?" I asked, not knowing why he stopped. "I love you, Zac."

"I love you, too, Abbey," Zac said, then added, "but I want to be married to you first."

I nodded, looking into his eyes. It was my belief, too, from long ago, and still was. If I wanted to make love to him, then I wanted to marry him first. It seemed old fashioned today, but it was a moral I'd lived by my whole life, and I didn't want to change it now. I was glad that Zac felt the same way.

He kissed me very sweetly one last time, and then pulled me into a sitting position. I felt emotionally drained, but good at the same time. Then Zac took my hand gently into his. "Abbey, we have to talk."

I nodded, knowing it was true, bracing myself for his reaction. "Where should I start?"

Zac dazzled me with his half grin as I pulled myself together. He's the only person, whether human or immortal, that ever had this effect on me over the last 200 years. I dreaded this conversation, because it would either make or break our relationship. Now was the moment of truth ... literally. But I knew I had to tell him everything. For his own safety, if not for anything else.

"Start from the beginning," Zac said with a smile, looking deeply into my eyes for encouragement.

"Why the change of heart?" I asked, looking deeply into his eyes. "Earlier, you freaked out and stormed away from me when I tried to tell you just a small piece of the puzzle. Are you sure you really want to hear this? All of it?"

Zac's eyebrows pulled together. "I'm sorry about earlier, but I've had time to think about everything."


"And I decided that I love you no matter what," Zac answered, looking deeply into my eyes. "So what if you're a vampire? I'll accept you for who you are."

"I'm going to remind you of that in a few minutes," I said, giving him a weak smile as my eyes glistened.

"Please do," Zac said, kissing each of my fingers one by one, then looked up at me with a mischievous smile. "If I freak out again, please remind me of what I said."

I laughed, hoping he meant what he was saying. I took a deep breath and he waited. "I already told you I'm a vampire," I began, and he nodded. "Well, I'm also a shape shifter."

"What does that mean?" Zac said, holding my hand a bit tighter. "Do you turn into animals or something?"

"No," I laughed, taking a deep breath to steady myself, "I can't change into animals, just people."

"So you mean that you can change into the president or Arnold Schwarzenegger?" Then, he smiled mischievously. "Or into Marilyn Monroe?"

I punched him lightly on the arm, but he just laughed. "No, I have to touch them first. Once I get someone's body print, then I can change into an exact replica of them."

"Show me," Zac commanded, incredulous.

"I'm not a circus freak, Zac," I softly chided. "I won't just change for your pleasure."

"I know you're not a circus freak," Zac said gently. "Sorry. I was just curious."

"No problem," I answered, smiling. "For now, just take my word for it." Zac nodded, and I continued. "Anyway, I was changed into a vampire long ago."

"How long?"

I took a deep breath to steady myself, but now that the truth was coming out, I really wanted him to know. "The Revolutionary War."

Zac nodded, looking at my fingers, needing a moment before meeting my gaze. I gave him a moment to absorb what he just heard, waiting for him to speak. A moment later, his eyes met mine. "So, you knew Benjamin Franklin and George Washington?"

I couldn't help but smile. "I knew of them, but I didn't know them personally." I thought for a moment, remembering times long ago, then added, "They were great men."

Zac nodded in agreement, finally realizing what I was saying was true. "Please, tell me more." He thought for a moment, and then asked, "Who was that guy at school today? Thank you for that, by the way."