Chapter 41: Changes, Part 5

I gave him a weak smile and nodded. "I'm getting to that." I thought for a moment, hedging, wondering how much he could handle. But at this point, there was no stopping now. "I work for the government, for a secret organization within the CIA. We're a team of vamps that go in and clean up messes, or protect people, but only in extreme cases. And to the government, we don't exist."

Zac nodded, looking at my fingers again. So far, so good. He might get through this in one piece after all.

"And," I continued, "you're father's my boss."

Immediately, Zac's head snapped up and his eyes met mine in disbelief. "No way."

"Yes, there is a way," I gently replied, meeting his gaze. It wasn't every day that you find out your own father has lied to you all your life.

"There's no way!" Zac repeated, incredulous.

"He's the fifth boss I've had since I've been with the agency. I've worked with him for about 20 years," I continued, letting the words spill out. He really needed to hear it. "I really hate to be the one to tell you this, Zac, but you really need to know. He's been a good boss, but less than honorable at times. And this is one of those times."

"I suspected as much," Zac replied, looking away, jumping down off the hood of the car, turning away from me. "And here, all my life, I thought he was an architect."

"I'm sorry, Zac," I replied softly. I crossed the forest at vamp speed and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind him. Then, I whispered into his shoulder, "I know this is a lot to hear in one day." I hated myself for going on, but there was no stopping now. "And there's more."

"There's more?" Zac turned to face me. His eyes glistened with tears, threatening to spill over, then he squared his shoulders, bracing himself.

"There's a million dollar price tag on your head," I said, throwing the words out in a rush.

"A what?" Zac said, incredulous. "Me? A million dollars?"


"For what?" he asked, his eyebrows pulling together.

"Rick and I have been trying to figure that out," I began. "The only thing we can think of is that someone wants to use you to get to your father."

"So what does this mean?" Zac asked, still finding it difficult to believe.

"It means that there are a lot of rogue vamps we call The Others that are after you," I said then paused to take a breath. "And these vamps are not like us. The Others have no humanity, no desire to preserve human life. The only thing they think of is self gratification and the kill."

"So where do you fit into all this?" Zac asked, stepping away from me.

"Now, Zac, remember what you said," I hedged, already sensing his alienation. "That you would still love me no matter what?"

"I remember," he replied, unmoved, then asked again, "Where do you fit into this?"

"Your father sent me here to protect you."

Zac turned toward the car without looking at me. "So the only reason why you're here is to protect me."

I crossed to him at vamp speed, stepping in front of him before he could get into the car. "Zac, don't do this."

"So every kiss was a lie?" he said, letting the words flow, unstoppable. "So was your pretending to fall in love with me a part of the plan, too, to get close to me?"

And without thinking, I slapped him across the face. It wasn't hard enough to knock his head off, thank goodness, but enough to get his attention. "Don't ever say that to me again," I began, looking him straight in the eye. "Of course it wasn't a part of the plan. It just happened, and I'm glad it did."

The tears that were brimming his eyes spilled over onto his cheeks. "I don't believe you. You must be really good at your job."

And his words hit me like a slap in the face so hard that I stepped back. "Zac, I'm telling you the truth. It wasn't a part of the plan, but something happened and I fell in love with you."

"And do you fall in love with everyone you protect?" Zac let his tears stream down his cheeks, unashamed, waiting for the answer.

"No, of course not!" I answered, letting him get it all out.

"How many have you fallen in love with, then?" Zac demanded, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Only one," I replied. Then Zac put his hand on the car door before I could finish. "You."

Then, his hand fell limply from the car, and I wrapped my arms around him, letting him cry on my shoulder for once.

After a few moments, he pulled away. "Take me to him."

"Who?" I asked, incredulous.

"My father," Zac said with cold eyes, appearing to have aged within the last 24 hours. "I have to see him. There's some things I have to know."

"You know what? That's not a bad idea," I said with a half smile. "I have a few questions for him myself."

Then, Zac held out his hand for the keys, in control once again. "I'll drive."

"But I know where to go," I joked, dangling the keys in front of him.

"Give me the keys, Abigail," Zac replied, unmoved.

I slipped them into my back pocket. "You'll have to come after them," I joked.

And within a second, Zac had his arms around me, pulling me into the contours of his body, then crushed his lips down onto mine, as his hand slipped into my back pocket-grabbing my tush while he was at it-as I laughed. Then, his powerful lips moved with mine, answering every question mine asked. A moment later, he pulled away. "Let's go," he said in a husky voice.

I nodded, and within a few minutes, we were in Zac's car, driving down I-88 on our way to Washington D.C. to pay a visit to Zac's father. God help him.