Chapter 33: Resistance, Part 4

Outside, he led me to a tree and pulled me into his arms, then crushed his lips onto mine, as my heart swelled with love within my chest. My lips moved with his as passion enveloped us both. His lips explored mine, and then moved down to the hollow just below my ear, allowing me to catch my breath.

"I've wanted to do this all day," Derek softly said. "I love you, Casey."

"I love you, too," I replied, smiling as I twined my hands into his beautiful sun-streaked hair, bringing his lips back to mine. This time, my hunger enveloped him, as he almost lost his balance. I almost lost mine, too, as my knees were growing weak. Suddenly, his hands moved down my arm, as his lips moved hungrily over mine. Abruptly, I pulled away.

"Derek," I said softly in the darkness of the night. "We can't." But then, a part of me wanted to, knowing we might die tomorrow. "It's not right."