Chapter 39: Different Kinds of Love, Part 3

"You guys, someone's going to hear …" Trevor warned calmly, believe it or not. "Pipe down a bit, will you?"

"No, you pipe down! I'm tired of your bullshit, too, Trevor! Get the hell out of my face!" I yelled at him. Then, seeing the shock prevalent in his eyes and the dumbfounded look on his face, I shook my head and walked away.

"Look, Casey, I understand you're upset, but just calm down," Jada said, catching my arm. "We're getting close and I don't want us to get caught."

I looked down at her arm, then took a deep breath and nodded.

"What's your plan, anyway?" Jada asked, looking into my eyes with concern while everyone waited.

"To get my family out," I replied, looking at her with dead eyes.

"And to get mine out, too," Trevor replied, standing firm, watching the exchange.

"All of our families," Scott added, also standing his ground.