Chapter 46: Captured, Part 2

"I know you're out there!" a strange voice with a heavy Middle Eastern accent called into the forest from its edge. "Come out now and I won't kill them! Give yourselves up and I won't hurt them!" And a moment later, from the safety of the woods in the brightness of the security light, I saw what was happening. Along the back fence row of the school, the insurgents had prisoners from the school—the new concentration camp—lined up with rifles pointed directly at them, creating a makeshift firing squad.

"That's my father!" Scott yelled loudly, loud enough for the insurgents to hear. Brolin and Trevor caught his arms, stopping him just in time.

Derek placed a calming hand on his chest. "Quiet! They'll hear you!"

"Hear me?!" Scott yelled into Derek's face, trying to pull free. "They have my father down there and you want me to be quiet?" Scott struggled against Brolin and Trevor's grasp.

"Let's keep our heads, Scott!" Derek replied. "There's too many of them!"