Chapter 36: Turning Point, Part 3

Suddenly, there was a lump in my throat that I couldn't swallow as tears sprang slowly to my eyes. I cleared my throat, trying to stay calm, wanting to know. "Are they still alive?"

"I don't know, hon," Mr. McGowan said, taking my hand into his.

Then, I gathered my courage and looked him straight in the eye as tears slid slowly down my cheeks. "Where did they take them?"

Mr. McGowan's eyes filled with concern as he patted my hand, looking directly into my eyes. "I'm not sure, Casey. To the concentration camp, probably."

"Why?" was the only other word I could manage to get out.

The elder man took a deep breath. "Your mother resisted, protecting your little brother, I assume. From what I heard, they were going to shoot them both, but then their commander stopped the bastards and told them to take them instead."

Tears ran swiftly down my cheeks as I imagined little Timmy hiding behind my mother, and Mom protecting him. "At least they weren't killed," I said, then added, "yet."