
Chapter 92: Castle Knights, Part 1

"Let us adjourn to the Grand Hall before Bryce eats all of the food," Briana joked. The faint rays of sunlight streaming in through the windows began to die.

"He probably already has," Seth agreed, laughing. "Come on. Let's go." He took Briana's hand into his own and led her from the room and down the hallway, into the next corridor in front of Briana's room. Secretly, he was glad to see that there were no longer guards standing before her room ... at least not for the purpose of keeping her in. "Briana, you need a guard on your door at night," Seth said as they passed her room. "I wouldn't put it past Dracon to try and kidnap you again."

"There is a guard who stands at the end of the hallway at night," Briana answered, leading Seth down the stone stairwell. "But I feel sure that Dracon will not try it again, at least, not within the castle walls. I am well protected ... we all are."