
Chapter 91: Cambria, Part 4

"Now, who is the best swordsman in Cambria?" Seth asked, remembering Briana's and Bryce's banter the year before.

The expression on Bryce's face turned from astonishment to humor in an instant. He reached out and pulled Seth's feet out from under him, sending him to the ground. Seth landed flat on his back, and Bryce laughed at the surprised look on his face. "And to answer your question," Bryce replied, rising to his feet, "Briana is the best swordsman in all of Cambria, but I didn't say that."

Briana laughed and clapped, along with Reese.

Seth laughed. "That is a fact," he said, rising to his feet, brushing himself off.

"Teach me that move you just used," Bryce said to Seth with new respect.

Briana laughed. "Well, boys," Briana interrupted, "I think that's enough swordplay for the day. Seth, come with me. We have much to discuss."

Seth nodded, and then said to Bryce, "Later."

"Worry not," Bryce replied, "I will not let you forget."