"Why do we not have a prayer?" Briana asked. "Herman of Cambria, would you do the honor?"
Herman stood and folded his hands before him. "Yes, My Queen." He thought for a moment, then said, "Dear Lord, please remember our fallen knights, and keep them safe with you in Heaven. Also, thank you for the fellowship that we share here today, and bless our loved ones who are not present with us. Lastly, please bless this bounty before us of which we are about to partake. Amen."
Everyone responded, "Amen." With that, the meal began. Everyone ate their fill, enjoying the break from the day's chores. Seth knew that, unlike the year before when he was expected to work in the garden, his job now was training ... and the job of his friends would be learning all they could. All too soon, the fighting would be very real. Seth was determined to make sure that his friends were well trained when that time came.