Chapter 11

"So, you just graduated from high school, huh?" Logan asked as we walked out to my car.

I popped the hood, and Logan picked up my suitcase. "I'll get that," I said, reaching for it, but he pulled it out of my reach.

"No. I'll get it." His muscles flexed under his T-shirt under the weight of the suitcase. "You haven't answered my question."

"Does it make that much of a difference?" I asked. But from the look on his face, I could see that it did.

He shrugged. "I'm just trying to wrap my head around it is all."

I nodded. "Are you in college?"

"I just graduated from NYU and came here." He adjusted the suitcase, shifting it to his other hand. "What do you have in here? Bricks?"

I laughed. "I'll carry it if it's too heavy for you." He gave me a dirty look, and I laughed. "What was your major?" I asked, unable to meet his gaze.

"Political science. My parents wanted me to go on to law school after I graduated, but I came here to Nashville instead."

"Political science, as in politics?" I asked, intrigued.

"Exactly," he said, heading up the stairs, then he stopped with his hand on the door and sighed. "My parents wanted me to go into politics, but I want to do the music." He nodded toward the door. "The guys are great, and we all get along. I figured that if we didn't do it now, then we wouldn't do it at all. I just graduated with my undergrad degree, and if I go to Law school, then it'll be another four years. I'll be twenty-eight and"

"It'll be too late for the music," I finished, nodding in understanding. "I know the feeling."

"You?" Logan laughed. "You have all the time in the world."

I took a deep breath, forcing a smile. "Technically, we only have today. We have to make the most of it while we can." Without another word, I ignored the stunned expression on his face and walked back into his apartment.

I quickly showered and dressed in presentable clothes-blue jeans, black, high-heeled boots, and a black, button-down shirt. But what are presentable clothes when you're taking a giant leap into your new life? It seemed as if my life was suddenly on fast forward. I blow dried my long, sun-streaked blonde hair and quickly applied makeup, not wanting to take the bathroom away from the guys for too long.

After I was finished, I looked in the mirror. Satisfied with my efforts, I repacked my things, not sure where I would be sleeping that night. I sighed as my thoughts went to my parents and Greer, waiting at home for me to call. Remembering the money that Frank had given me the night before, I vowed to get a cell phone after I got an apartment. I could wait on a land line until I saw where the music was going.

When I walked out of the bathroom, the guys hooped and hollered as I gave a slight curtsey, smiling.

"Man, you look hot!" Logan said, taking my hand and spinning me around as I laughed.

"So, you think I look okay to go to the studio today?" I asked.

"SDC Studios?" Mason asked. "No way!"

"Yup," I said, then bit my lip. "Have you guys thought about the band thing and the tour?"

"No. Not yet," Logan quickly interjected as Lathe rolled his eyes behind him. "We still have to talk about it first."

I nodded, understanding. Even though I was new to the business, I knew enough to know that musicians were possessive of their bands. They bonded, and it was hard to let someone else in. Also, they were their own band with their own music. I was a solo act and an outsider. A lot of bands would have a hard time playing second fiddle to another musician.

"Well, if you change your mind, meet me at the studio at two o'clock."

"Okay," Logan said.

Behind him, Mason shook his head in disbelief and walked back into the kitchen. From the way the guys were acting, I was sure that they would have a heated discussion about this after I left. It seemed that Logan was the only one who had an aversion to being my backup band. I couldn't say that I blamed him, though. After I'd waited my whole life to pursue my music, I sure wouldn't want to settle and be someone else's backup.

Logan reached for my suitcase. "Here; let me walk you out."

I nodded, forcing a smile. Even though I had just met Logan and the guys, I already hated to leave. "Thanks." Then, I said to his friends, "It was nice to meet all of you."

Lathe lifted me up into a big bear hug. "Come back and visit when you can."

"I will," I said, smiling.

"My turn," Mason said, pulling me in for a quick hug.

Kyle was next. "If we don't see you, have a great time on your tour and come see us when you get back."

"I will," I promised, suddenly wishing that this group of great guys was coming with me especially Logan. I waved to everyone one last time, then walked out the door, carrying my guitar, with Logan close behind.

Logan silently led the way out to my car, carrying my suitcase. I popped open the hood of my VW Bug and he slid my suitcase inside, and then my guitar on the top. I pushed it closed and turned to Logan. "Thanks for the jam session last night, and for letting me crash in your room."

"You can crash in my room anytime," Logan teased as I playfully pushed his shoulder.

"Well, I'll see you later," I said as I opened my car door.

"Wait," Logan said, closing my door.


Without another word, he pulled me into his strong arms and pressed his lips to mine. His lips moved with mine as passion enveloped us both. I parted my lips for him, taking him in as he pulled me tightly to his chest as a thrill ran through my body. He released me and pulled back a moment later, leaving me breathless. Logan stepped back and ran his hand through his hair.

"Sorry, but I would always regret it if I didn't do that."

I nodded, understanding, not quite sure what to say. What do you say to someone that you just met, but that you may never see again?

"Come see me when you get back," Logan said in a low voice as he pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his hard, muscled chest, hearing his heart pound through his shirt, matching the beat of my own.

I pulled back to look into his eyes. "I will." I looked into his ice blue eyes, not knowing when that would be.