Chapter 10

I closed the door and turned around. There was a huge, king-sized bed taking center stage in the middle of the room. To the left was a set of drawers, and to the right on the same wall as the door was a set of mirrored sliding glass doors, enclosing a closet. I slid it open and took out one of his rock concert T-shirts. Then, I stripped down to my panties and slid it on. I was just about to slide under the comforter when I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it just a crack, and it was Logan. "Lock the door," he said, breathing heavily, then walked away. It seemed as if he wanted me to lock the door to keep him out just as much as the other guys in the house. He didn't realize that a part of me wanted him to come in, but I was glad that he walked away.

I turned out the light and slid into bed. It smelled like him: a mixture of leather, lavender, musk, and rain. I snuggled down under the covers and wrapped the thick comforter around my nose, then fell asleep, inhaling Logan's sweet scent.


I woke the next morning, and golden sunlight was already streaming in through the window, caressing the pillow. I stretched as a smile lit my face. Then, I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings, not sure where I was. I sat straight up in bed as the events of the night before flooded into my mind. Listening for a minute, the sound of dishes clanking in the kitchen as the rich smell of coffee wafted into the room, beckoning to me. I got up and changed into the clothes that I performed in the night before and went out into the kitchen.

Kyle was already up, cooking on the stove. "Morning! Want some pancakes?"

"Maybe in a bit," I said, stretching as a big yawn escaped my lips, "but right now, I just need some coffee."

Without missing a beat, he pulled a coffee cup from the cupboard, poured in the coffee, and placed it in front of me before I could object.

I laughed. "You're not one of those 'morning people', are you?"

Kyle already had the spatula in one hand as he held the skillet with the other, flipping a pancake. "I'm afraid so," he said without remorse.

"What time is it, anyway?" I asked when I saw a clock hanging on the wall. "Ten o'clock?" I asked, starting to get up. "I need to get out of here."

"Sit down," Kyle said, smiling. "Eat some of my pancakes and then you can go. I make the best in New York."

I laughed. "But we're in Nashville."

He shrugged. "Well, now I make the best in Tennessee."

"Believe me, he won't let you leave until you eat."

I looked up and Logan was standing in the doorway, smiling. His dark blonde hair was in disarray, and his muscles bulged under his gray T-shirt as he walked into the room. Waking up to the sight of him in the morning was something I could definitely get used to. I quickly brushed the thought aside.

"Morning," I mumbled into my coffee, suddenly aware that I hadn't brushed my hair or my teeth, let alone took a shower.

"Wow. Don't be so excited to see me," he said with a sly smile as he crossed the room to make a cup of coffee.

I laughed. "Sorry. I just need to take a shower."

"Well, we just so happen to have one," he said, then added, "but you look great."

"Okay. Now look who's fibbing?"

"I never fib," he said as he took a sip of his coffee. "Well, not usually, anyway."

I laughed as I threw a potholder at him that was lying nearby on the breakfast bar. "I need to find an apartment today. That's the first thing on my list."

"Hey. Don't they still have some apartments available here?" Logan asked Kyle, then he turned back to me. "They're fully furnished, too."

"Yeah, I think so, but you'll have to check with the manager." Kyle slid a pancake onto a plate. "You'll only need a one or a two-bedroom apartment so it'll be cheaper than this one. Ours has four."

And it had an open floor plan, which I loved. "I'll shower first, then I'll go talk to them. Thanks."

Logan slid onto the bar stool next to me, and we both sipped our coffee as we watched Kyle cook. "Is he always this way in the morning?" I asked, nodding toward Kyle.

"You have no idea," Logan replied as Kyle slid a plate with a pancake in front of him.

"I'm still here, and I can hear you," Kyle said as he threw a dishtowel at Logan, and we both laughed

I enjoyed the atmosphere in their apartment. Mason and Lathe came out before long and we all bantered throughout the informal breakfast as Kyle fed us all pancakes.

"Here you go," he said as he slid another pancake onto my plate.

"Oh, no! No more for me," I said, holding my hands up in surrender. "I couldn't eat another bite if I tried." Logan leaned over and cut a piece on my plate. "Here. Take it. I'm full," I said as I shoved it over to him, and he dug right in without hesitation. It seemed as if I'd known him for a very long time and not just less than twenty-four hours.

"Lightweight," Kyle teased as he slid another pancake onto Mason's plate.

"And I want to keep it that way," I said. "If I eat any more, you'll have to widen the door to get me through it."

They all laughed.

"No way," Lathe said. "You look great just the way you are."

"Hey. Back off, man," Logan joked. "I saw her first." His short dark blond hair was sticking up in every direction and falling onto his forehead, accenting his sexy blue eyes. I quickly looked away.

"Well, I'm going to get my suitcase. Then, I'll take a shower and get out of your hair," I joked, getting up.

"There's no rush," Logan said. "You can stay here as long as you want."

"Thanks," I said, smiling, "but I really need to get my own place. I really appreciate you letting me crash in your bed last night, though." Everyone laughed as Logan raised an eyebrow, and I quickly added, "Wait. That didn't sound right." I had no idea why I kept sticking my foot in my mouth.

He laughed, enjoying my discomfort a little too much. "Come on," he said, laughing. "I'll help you with your suitcase."

"Thanks," I said sheepishly. On stage, I was fearless, but when it came to a man that I was interested in, it was a different story.