Chapter 15

We spent the rest of the afternoon doing only my songs. During the whole session, Frank never asked to hear more of Logan's songs. I had no idea if I would ever see Logan or the guys again after this day, but I vowed to enjoy our time together while it lasted. We spent the whole afternoon laughing and playing. We all worked so hard that day, but I was so high on adrenaline that I never felt tired at all.

"That's a wrap!" Frank said later that day, and we all cheered.

"Already?" I teased, hating to see the day come to an end.

Frank laughed. "Aren't you tired yet?"

"Are you kidding?" I asked, letting my fingers fly over the neck of my guitar one last time. "This is the most fun I've ever had!"

Frank looked over at Sam, and then back at me. "We ran over our studio time, but it was worth it. We got enough for a full album." Then, he looked over at Kyle, who was technically the leader of the band. "Can you guys stick around for a bit? I want to talk to you."

Kyle nodded. "Sure." He turned and placed his bass in the case, smiling from ear to ear.

Frank turned to Logan and the others. "You guys were great."

Logan nodded, and then turned to me. "But not as good as the princess here."

"Princess?" I asked as my eyebrows pulled together.

But before I could ask more, Frank interrupted. "Alyssa, can you meet me here tomorrow? I want to go over the tapes with you to decide which ones we're going to use for your album."

"Are you sure we'll have enough?" I asked as I slid the guitar from my shoulders.

Frank shrugged. "Are you kidding? I have a feeling we might have enough for the start of your next album, too!"

I laughed as I closed the lid on my guitar case. "I'll be here. What time do you want me?" I shook my head, knowing that I'd left myself wide open again. If Logan and I were alone, I was sure that he would have something obscene to say.

But Frank was a perfect gentleman. "Say, one o'clock tomorrow afternoon?"

I picked up my guitar with one hand and slid my purse over my shoulder with the other, suddenly feeling the effects of the day. "I'll be here." Then, I turned to Logan. "Thanks for being here."

He nodded, but took my hand as I started to walk away. "Wait for me?"

"I'm a bit tired" Then, a smile spread across my lips. "Someone kept me up late last night."

Logan's laugh came from his stomach as he shook his head. "I wouldn't touch that comment with a ten-foot pole."

I laughed. "Sure. I'll wait for you outside."

He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "Stay in the foyer where you'll be safe."

I laughed. "You're too much of a worry wart."

"Please," Logan pleaded. Then, he took a deep breath as he looked away and then back into my eyes. "Look: I don't want to turn stalker on you."

I looked around, and the other guys were already heading out of the sound room. "You don't know where I live," I teased.

Mason sighed, exasperated as he shoved his drumsticks into the back pocket of his jeans. "Logan, man

"Go ahead," he said, still looking into my eyes. "I'll be there in a minute."

Mason let out another exasperated breath and then walked out the door.

Logan placed his hands on both sides of my cheeks and looked deeply into my eyes. "It doesn't matter," he said in reference to not knowing where I live. "I'd find you. I might be searching for the rest of my life, but I'd find you."

The power in his voice resonated within my chest, and I knew he meant every word. Then, his lips descended upon mine as an electrical current ran through my body. His lips moved with mine as passion filled us both. He pulled back a moment later and stared into my eyes as my heart pounded within my chest.

I had never felt anything so powerful before in my life. I had no idea what it was, but I knew I would never forget this moment.

"Okay, lovebirds," Frank's voice resonated within the studio. "I hate to interrupt this, but Sam needs the studio. The next group has been waiting for an hour."

My eyes flew open wide in shock, bringing me back to reality. "Oh my God! Let's go."

Logan laughed, but took his time leaving the studio. As we walked out the door, a guy with long blond hair and a bandana carrying a guitar case brushed past, bumping his shoulder against Logan's. "Young prick," he mumbled under his breath.

"Hey now, Rex," Frank interrupted. "I let them play, so if you want to blame someone, blame me."

Rex looked at Logan and me as if he could kill. "Whatever, man," he said, and then pulled his guitar from the case. He took a rag from his case and started rubbing down the guitar. Then, he turned back to us. "What? Are you going to stand there all day and watch?"

"Whatever." Logan took my hand and led me from the room.

"Was that Rock?" I asked, realizing that he was from the band Stonehenge.

Logan laughed. "Yeah. His real name is Rex Oscar Collings-Kensington, but he goes by Rock." Then, he mumbled under his breath, "What an ass."

"I heard that!" Rex yelled just as the door closed.

Logan laughed and flashed him the bird.

Rex acted like he was going to come after us, but the other guys in his band stopped him. Thank goodness it was a sound-proof booth, because he was cursing for all he was worth. Logan and I laughed as we watched him slide his guitar strap over his shoulder. Then, he looked at Logan and angrily let his fingers fly over the neck of his guitar. A moment later, they were jamming.

"Hey. Got a minute?" Frank asked. I looked down the hallway. Logan's buddies were leaning against the wall, waiting.

"Yeah, man," Logan said. Then, he turned to face me. "Wait a minute?"

I shrugged, but one corner of my lips curled into a smile. "I'll think about it."

He laughed, and then walked away.