Chapter 16

I walked around the waiting room, and then over to the glass double doors. The sun was already starting to set over the horizon as shades of red, orange, pink, and yellow streaked across the sky. A yawn escaped my lips as I started feeling the effects of the day. In fact, so much had happened over the course of the last few days that it was taking its toll on me. I was suddenly so tired that I was ready to fall asleep where I stood.

"Hey, sugar," an older woman said in a pronounced southern drawl from behind the receptionist desk, interrupting another one of my yawns. "Do you have a place to stay?"

I laughed. "Yes, I do," I said, and then set down my guitar case and my purse. "I'm just waiting for one of the guys."

She nodded. "Rex?"

I laughed so hard that it definitely woke me up. "Not just no, but hell no."

The woman laughed. "It's just as well." Then, she lowered her voice conspiratorially. "He's a dick."

I laughed, not expecting to hear such language coming from this woman. She was slender with red hair, beautifully coifed into a smooth bob that just touched her shoulders, and wore a dark gray woman's business suit, with a skirt and jacket and a white blouse underneath. Her blouse was open at the collar.

"Really? I hadn't noticed," I said sarcastically.

She laughed. "Yeah, well. I never told you that, though."

I mimed twisting a key over my lips. "My lips are sealed."

She smiled as she stood up and held out her hand. "The name's Bobbie Jo."

I shook her hand. "Alyssa Collins, but I'm recording under Alyssa Case."

"Alyssa Case, huh?" Bobbie Jo shuffled around a few papers on her desk as she talked. "I'm going to remember your name. I heard you sing in there and you're the real deal."

As I looked at her, my mouth fell open.

"Believe me, I see a lot of musicians come through those doors right there " She pointed to the glass front doors of the studio. " and I know the real deal when I see it."

"Thanks," I said, amazed at her reaction. "I appreciate that." Another yawn escaped my lips.

She sat back down and clasped her hands on the desk as she looked at me. "Listen, sugar. No man is worth waiting for like this. Why don't you give me your phone number and I'll make sure the young man gets it?"

I laughed. "I don't have a cell phone yet. I need to get one."

The woman's mouth flew open in amazement. "I'd say, or else how are the studio execs going to get hold of you?" She grabbed her purse from under her desk and started rummaging through it. "How much do you need?"

I laughed. "That's very kind of you, but I have the money." After paying for the apartment, I didn't have much, but I still had enough for a cell phone. "I just haven't had time to get one yet."

Bobbie Jo narrowed her eyes at me and pulled some bills out of her purse. "Call this a loan, sugar. Pay me back when you can. But get a cell phone today."

"No. I couldn't possibly take "

"Nonsense!" she said, cutting me off. "As I said, this isn't a handout; it's a loan." She shrugged. "Pay me back when you can." Then, she shoved the bills into my hand and gave me a friendly wink. "I'll be here."

When I looked down at the money in my hand, there were two fresh one hundred dollar bills. "This is too much"

"Now, I won't take no for an answer." Bobbie Jo held up a hand as she walked back to the desk and sat down. "Besides, you remind me of my daughter." She gave me a motherly smile. "And give the studio your number once you get one. Bring it here, and I'll make sure it goes in your file."

I nodded. "Thanks, Ms. "

"Just call me Bobbie Jo," she said as she smiled. "Everyone does."

I nodded as I wadded the bills up in the palm of my hand. If I didn't need the money, I wouldn't have taken it. "I'll pay you back."

"No hurry," she said, waving her hand dismissively. Then, she lowered her voice conspiratorially. "I've been here for years, and now I don't really need the money."

I smiled, looking down at my hand still clenched around the bills. "Then why are you still working here?"

She shrugged. "I like what I do."

The door down the hallway opened and Logan and Kyle walked in. A smile spread across Logan's face when he saw me across the room. "I'm glad you're still here."

Kyle looked between us and punched him lightly on the arm. "Tell the guys I'll be outside."

Logan nodded, never taking his eyes from me.

Bobbie Jo's demeanor changed when she saw Logan and how he was looking at me. "You should thank your lucky stars that she waited for you. Not many women would." Then, she looked directly into his eyes. "You should know better than to keep a lady waiting like that."

Logan smiled, clearly amused. "You're right."

"But Ms. Bobbie Jo here was keeping me company," I interjected as I discretely slipped the bills into the front pocket of my jeans.

"You can drop the Ms.," she said, glowering at Logan, then she turned to me and smiled. "Just Bobbie Jo is fine."

Logan smiled. "Thanks for keeping Alyssa company. I'm sorry it took so long."

Bobbie Jo scoffed. "Don't apologize to me." Then, she nodded to me and gave me a wink. "It's her that you should apologize to."

Logan nodded, but was unrepentant. "You're right." Then, he turned to face me. "Sorry you had to wait, but I'm glad you did."

I shrugged and smiled at Bobbie Jo. "Thanks, again."

She knew that I was talking about the money and not for keeping me company. "Don't mention it."

From the way that she said it, she meant to keep the loan between us and not to tell anyone. "I won't." Then, I walked over to her desk and held out my hand. "It was very nice to meet you, Bobbie Jo."

She walked around her desk and pulled me in for a hug. "Just keep yourself safe." Then, she pulled back to look into my eyes. "This is a rough business, girl. Look out for yourself."

I nodded, understanding. "I will. Thanks, again."

Logan watched the exchange between us with curiosity, but said nothing. He walked over to the wall that his guitar case was leaning against, and, unable to resist, waved to Rex, who was still playing with his band in the soundproof room.

Rex gave him the finger, and then went on playing as Logan laughed.

Bobbie Jo bit her lip, suppressing a smile.

"You know that you're just egging him on, don't you?" I asked, smiling as I adjusted the guitar case in my hand.

Logan shrugged. "A guy's gotta have some fun."

Mason laughed, as he and Lathe walked into the room with their instruments and stopped in front of Logan. "You coming with us, man?"

"We'll see you guys outside," Lathe said to Logan, and then turned to me and pulled me in for a hug. "Thanks again, Alyssa, for inviting us." Then, he pulled back to look into my eyes. "We'll see you at the apartment, right?"

I shrugged. "Actually, I'm starting to get a little tired. But I'll see you guys soon, though. Okay?"

He nodded, covering his mouth as he yawned, suddenly tired. "I'll see you later, then. But you know you're always welcome."

I nodded. "Thanks, Lathe."

He nodded and headed toward the glass front doors.

"I'll be there in a minute," Mason called after him, but Lathe was already halfway out the door. "Hey! Don't leave without me, man!" Then he turned to Logan and me. "Are you good?"

Logan raised an eyebrow to me. I paused for a moment and nodded.

"Yeah, man," he said, still looking into my eyes. "I'm good. Go ahead."

Mason took a deep breath, clearly exhausted, and then crossed the room and held his hand out high to me. I smiled and took it, giving him a lingering high five as he clasped my hand, and then wrapped his arm around me in a man hug, even though I was a female.

"Thanks, girl. We owe you one."

I smiled. "Don't mention it."

Mason nodded. "You have some place to stay? If not, stay with us."

I smiled. "Yeah. I got a place this afternoon, but thanks."

He pointed his finger at me as if it were a gun. "Don't be a stranger, okay?"

I nodded. "Hey, Lathe, you'd better not leave me!" Mason yelled, already headed out the door.

Logan smiled his sexy smile, and I wondered what I was doing.