Chapter 18

Logan set down his guitar and looked around as we entered the apartment, then headed toward the kitchen. "Wow! This is great! How many bedrooms do you have?"

I set my guitar down against the wall and placed my keys on a side table near the door. "One," I said as I walked into the kitchen, where Logan was hard at work unpacking milk, cereal, coffee, tea, sugar temporary things that I would need. "What in the world?"

Logan looked up from the refrigerator after sliding in the milk. "I just got you a few things."

"I don't drink coffee," I said, not sure if Logan was planning on staying overnight. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, as I'd only known him for a few days. "Or, at least, I haven't until now."

"Have you ever tried it?" he asked, pulling a coffee maker out of the cabinet.

"Wow! You sure know your way around a kitchen."

I wasn't sure where everything was yet, so I just started opening up cabinet doors. I found the pots and pans neatly stacked in a lower cabinet and pulled out a pan.

Logan smiled, busying himself with setting up the coffee maker. "We had all of the same things in our apartment, and it's set up pretty much the same way." Then, he stood back to admire his efforts. "There you go. Would you like me to help you set everything up?"

I filled a pan with water and set it on the stove for sweet tea. "No. Tonight, I'm just going to set up the bed. I'll get everything else tomorrow."

A sly smile spread across his face. "Well, I could help you set that up, too, if you like."

I laughed. "No; you'd probably help me unmake the bed," I spat out before I had a chance to think about it. I cringed internally.

He laughed. "I could do that, too, if you like."

I shook my head, smiling. "I knew that I'd left the door wide open for you."

"Hey. If you leave the door open around me, I'm going to jump right in there." He smiled as he leaned against the counter.

"Oh. I'm sure," I teased as I sipped a few tea bags into the boiling water. "So, you want some sweet tea or some coffee?" I looked into the cabinets where he had put away the groceries. "It looks like you thought of everything: coffee, tea, sugar, cereal." I shut the cabinet door. "Why the cereal? Were you planning on staying the night?"

Logan laughed. "I can, if you like. But, no. I just thought you might like some in the morning." He shrugged.

I nodded, smiling. "That was very thoughtful. Thank you."

"It was nothing."

"No. It wasn't just 'nothing'." I looked between the coffee pot and the tea on the stove. "So, sweet tea or coffee?" I asked again.

"Sweet tea? I don't think I've ever had it before."

"Well, then," I said, pulling two glasses out of the cabinet. I slipped in some ice, then turned and finished mixing up the tea in a gallon tea pitcher I found under the cabinet. "Boy. They have everything here. The apartment manager said that they were used to having a lot of musicians here and I believe it."

"Richard?" Logan asked, taking the tea glass that I'd offered him. "Yeah. He's a nice guy."

"Yeah. He knew you." I took a sip of my tea as I leaned against the counter, too.

"Really?" Logan asked, laughing. "What did he say?"

I shrugged. "He said that you were a good group of guys. Actually, I'm surprised that no one said anything about us jamming so late last night."

"As I said, there are a lot of musicians who live here." Then, a smile spread across his face. "But if you start jamming in the morning, it might be a different story."

I laughed. "Yeah. Probably." Then I thought I'd change the subject. "You want to go into the living room and watch some TV?"

Logan shrugged. "Sure, if you like, but we can just talk or play some music, too." Logan walked into the living room, and I followed. There was a fireplace in the corner. "I thought I saw a fireplace. You want me to build a fire?"

I nodded. "Are you sure you don't mind? I would do it, but I'm just too tired tonight."

Logan laughed. "Not with me here. I can do it. Then we can talk."

A thought suddenly occurred to me. "Are you sure it's not too late for you?"

Logan laughed as he started stacking wood in the fireplace. "As I said, I'm a musician. I'll probably be awake for a while. We sleep all day and play all night literally."

I yawned as I turned sat down on the couch. "I might just fall asleep on you."

Logan laughed as he finished stacking the wood. He knelt down in front of the fireplace, pulled out a lighter, and lit it. "Well, you can fall asleep on me anytime," he teased.

I laughed. "I left myself open again, didn't I?"

He lifted his eyebrows. "Yeah; you did. But sorry if I offended you."

I laughed as I shook my head. "No, but somehow, I don't think you'll change." Mentally, I hoped not. He was a nice guy with a great sense of humor, and great to hang out with.

I yawned again.

"Nope." He looked up at me, suddenly concerned. "You're getting tired. You want me to go? We can catch up tomorrow."

I shook my head. "No. I have to meet with Frank tomorrow at one o'clock. I'm fine, really."

He sat down on the corner of the couch and laid his arm along the back. "Come here," he said as he pulled me across the couch. "Lean back."

I was a bit leery and hesitated.

He smiled. "I promise that your virtue is still safe with me. Tonight, at least."

I laughed as I raised an eyebrow. "What if I don't want my virtue to be safe?"

He lifted an eyebrow into one of the sexiest looks I'd ever seen on a man. "Don't tempt me, girl."

I laughed. "I was just teasing."

"What's that old saying? Don't tease me. Please me."

I laughed so hard that tears sprang to my eyes. "That's tempting."

Logan rolled his eyes as he ran his hands through his dark blond hair. "Man, you are definitely making it hard."

I laughed and almost spit out my sweet tea that I'd been sipping. "I'm making it hard, huh?"

He laughed. "Well, that, too, but you're definitely making it hard for me to keep my hands off you."