Chapter 19

I nodded, then reached up and touched my lips gently to his. He responded, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me across his lap, never breaking the kiss. A moment later, he pulled back and gave me one last sweet kiss, letting his breathing slow. "Alyssa, I know we've just met, but it feels as if I've known you all my life."

I nodded, looking up into his bedroom eyes. "I know. I feel the same way."

He ran his finger gently over my cheek and then down my neck as he looked at me through his lashes. I wondered if that was how he looked at a woman when he made love to her.

I snuggled into his chest, but he slid down so that he was lying on the couch. I started to get up to let him get comfortable, but he stopped me, saying in a low voice, "Don't leave. Come here."

"Logan, we just met"

"Do you trust me?"

I smiled. "Despite my better judgment, yes, of course I do."

He chuckled as he gave me a sexy smile. I was so tired that if he made a move on me, I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist. But, then again, I didn't think I wanted to.

"Come here." He took my hand and guided me to lie beside him on the couch in the crook of his arm, as I slid my arm across his chest.

"Am I hurting you?" I asked, already snuggling in.

He stroked my hair in a relaxing gesture. "No; not at all."

I took a deep breath as I watched the fire. "If you keep that up, I'll be asleep before long."

He chuckled lightly. "That's the whole idea. You need to get some sleep." Then, he stiffened.

I could feel him looking down at me, so I propped my head up on his arm to look into his eyes. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Nothing's wrong. That's the point. But are you sure you don't want me to leave?"

I thought for a moment and then turned my attention back to the fire blazing red, yellow, and orange. "No. This is perfect." Then, I rose up to look into his eyes again. "Stay."

He nodded, and then gave me one last sweet kiss. But passion overtook me and I deepened the kiss, opening to give him entrance as our tongues danced together. My breathing quickened as he moved his arm down started drawing lazy circles across my back and then down my arm.

"I'd better stop. You need to get some sleep," he said when he came up for air, his breathing labored as he kissed my forehead.

"What if I don't want you to stop?" I asked, my voice suddenly husky.

He raised an eyebrow, but then he ran his hand down my arm and across my breast and started drawing lazing circles around my nipple through my bra as my breath quickened. "Do you trust me?"

I looked into his eyes. "Yes," I said without hesitation.

"Then just relax. This will help you sleep."

"What will?"

"Shush," he said against my lips. Without another word, he leaned to the side, laying me beside him on the couch. His lips descended upon mine in a kiss filled with more passion than I'd ever felt in my life. He reached up and started unbuttoning my blouse and I didn't stop him

I told myself, over and again, that I trusted him. I knew that we wouldn't have much time before we went our separate ways when we each went on tour, but I quickly pushed the thought aside.

"You're too tense," he whispered. "Just relax." After he had unbuttoned my blouse, he undid my bra with a flick of his wrist and cupped my breast as he traced lazy circles over my nipple. The act was so sensual but so natural that I didn't think. I just reacted and leaned back.

He touched his lips to mine and I was suddenly so horny that I was about to come. Then, he slid his hand down my flat stomach to my jeans. He unbuttoned the top button and then slowly unzipped my zipper. I started to object, but he said, "Shush you trust me, right?"

I nodded, so breathless that I was unable to speak.

I parted my lips for him and his tongue swirled around mine. Then, he pushed his hand into the front of my pants, and I inhaled sharply when he fondled my clit.

"Fuck! That feels good," I said, unable to believe that I was letting him do this to me.

"Shush. This is all about you right now," he cooed into my ear. "Just relax and enjoy."

His thumb grazed my clit as he shoved a finger into me. Involuntarily, I started pushing against his hand as he pumped in and out of me. I gasped when he pushed in a second finger then curled his fingers inside of me and flicked my G-spot with his fingers as he pulled in and out while thumbing my clit. Then, he slid down and knelt beside the couch, taking full access and I was too far gone to resist. He leaned down and gently sucked my nipple into his mouth as he flicked his tongue over it at the same time. Then, he switched to my other breast.

I reached up and pushed my hands against the arm of the couch, pushing myself harder onto his hand.

"I wish it was my tongue doing this to you instead," Logan said, and then sucked my nipple into his mouth again.

"Man. This feels great, Logan," I said, pushing against his hand. Then, I looked into his eyes. "I wish it was you inside of me."

He smiled against my lips. "I am inside of you."

"You know what I mean," I said as a thrill rushed through my body, leaving me breathless. "I want you."

The look of tenderness in his eyes touched my very soul. "Shush. Not tonight. I don't want to take advantage of you."

I nodded, understanding. He had asked me if I trusted him, and this was what he meant. He didn't want to fuck me like this. He didn't want to take advantage of me.

Before now, I had never had a guy make me feel so good before, but he was a man and, I was sure, experienced. But I quickly pushed the thought aside, not wanting to think of him being with anyone else but me.

"God. That feels good," I said, pushed against his hand over and again as pleasure rushed through my body, but then he pulled away. "Logan, don't stop."

"Just a minute," he said, and then took his shirt off, exposing his rock-hard abs, that flexed when he moved to the end of the couch. Then, he ran his hands up my legs and very slowly slid my jeans down and discarded them onto the floor, along with my silk panties.

"What are you doing?" I asked, sitting up a bit.

"Shush. Just trust me," he said, and then slid my shirt and bra down my shoulders and discarded them onto the floor.

I was now lying stark naked on the couch. Up until that moment, it was the single, most erotic experience of my life. "What are you doing?" I asked when he slid between my legs and placed his hands under my ass, his mouth just inches away from my heat. "Logan, I I " I hated to admit it, so I just blurted it out. "No man has ever done that to me before I mean "

"Shush," he said, coming up to straddle my body, still wearing his jeans. He held himself up by pushing himself up with one arm and then stroked my blonde hair back away from my face as my body trembled under his control. He was hovering over me just inches away. "Just lay back and relax. I promise that I won't hurt you." He looked into my eyes and then tenderly touched his lips to mine, as I arched my back and opened up, giving him entrance as his tongue swirled around mine, his body never touching mine.

I pulled back to look into his eyes. "I want you so badly. I want you right now."

He bit his lower lip and his body trailed down mine, obviously contemplating. But then he shook his head. "I made you a promise. Just relax." I arched my back as he gently kissed my forehead, and then trailed kisses down my body to my breasts, his body still hovering over mine. He ran his tongue around my nipple and then sucked. Then, he pulled back and flicked it with his tongue. Then, he moved to my other breast, letting his tongue dance over my nipple as he sucked.

Just when I thought I was going to come, he kissed the tender skin between my breasts, and then down to my flat stomach, running his tongue across my body and into my belly button. My breathing quickened as he moved down between my legs, and then placed his hands under my ass and lifted it to his mouth. I pressed my heels onto his back. He immediately latched onto my clit and sucked it in, flicking his tongue over it.

I was already almost ready to come, when he shoved his tongue into my wet pussy. I gasped and sat up a bit, placing my hand on his back as I pushed against his tongue.

"Lean back and relax," he said, his voice vibrating against my clit. "Enjoy it."

I did as he asked and leaned back, enjoying the feel of his tongue, darting in and out of me and flicking over my clit.

"Fuck, Logan. I don't know what you're doing to me, but it feels great," I said, pushing against his tongue as it darted in and out faster and faster, as he sucked my clit.

Then, he reached up and rubbed my tits, massaging and running his fingertips quickly over my nipples as he sucked and fucked me with his tongue. I arched my back, pushing against his mouth as a sensation like no other wracked my body as he brought me to new heights. My body trembled and I lost control as my breath quickened and I came, letting my juices fill his mouth.

I let out a scream of ecstasy, but his tongue never stopped fucking me as he sucked my clit. I rode the high as I started coming down until I was finally relaxed.

He kissed up my thighs, and then up to my stomach. "Want to go again?"

I smiled. "Not unless you join me."

His eyes trailed down the curves of my body as he bit his lip.