Chapter 28

"Night, Frank," I said. "I'll see you when I see you?"

He laughed. "Yes; you will."

I smiled. "Thanks, again."

"You just sing your ass off on stage and we'll call it even," Frank said, standing up to see me off.

I laughed. "That's a deal."

"You ready?" Craig asked, already at the door.

"Sure," I said as I grabbed my guitar case and followed Craig out.

As we walked into the foyer, Bobbie Jo had already left. Craig held the front door open for me as we walked out.

Craig followed me out to the parking lot, carrying his briefcase in one hand and holding his suit coat over his shoulder with the other. "So, how does it feel to be a recording star?"

I laughed. "I haven't had enough time to see how I feel yet. But, yes. It feels great." I carried my guitar with one hand and then held my purse over my shoulder with the other. "Thanks, Craig, for everything. It was really nice to meet you."