Chapter 45

I spent the next few days in rehearsals with my band during the day, and with Logan every night. We were getting into a groove, Logan and I, settling into a rhythm with our lives.

"We're not going to practice tomorrow, but let's get to the Powder Keg Tavern a bit early to warm up," I said to my band after rehearsal the night before our first public concert.

"Sounds good," Brett said as he laid his guitar in its case.

Over the past week, we had tightened our songs to perfection. I nodded as I laid my guitar in its case.

A moment later, a hand rested on my back. I turned around and it was Noah. "Don't worry, lass. You're ready. We're all ready."

I nodded and then wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him in for a hug. Over the past week, he had become a teddy bear-like a brother to me. "Thanks, Noah," I said, and then patted his back as I pulled back. "You guys sound great."