Chapter 46

I pulled up in front of my apartment, and Logan's car was already there. I sat in my car, thinking about what Craig had said, and started to fume all over again. How dare he say that about Logan? But as I thought about it, I knew that it was nothing against Logan. Craig would have said that about any guy that I dated. I took a deep breath and silently vowed not to tell Logan what Craig had said, knowing that he would hit the roof.

I walked into the apartment, and the scent of rich Italian cuisine rushed to me. I inhaled the tangy scent, letting it wash away my anger toward Craig. "Hey, honey! I'm home!" I bellowed as I stepped in.

"There she is!" Logan said as he peeked his head around the corner from the kitchen. "Come on in! I poured you a glass of wine."

I smiled. It was good to come home to Logan. He made everything beautiful just by being there. "Wow! Something smells great!" I said as I wrapped my arms around him from behind. "What's for dinner?"