Chapter 53

Tears sprang to my eyes as I set the guitars down, ran across the parking lot, and wrapped my arms around her. I pulled her to my chest and sobbed into her long, blonde hair, unable to speak.

"Hey, now!" she said, stroking the back of my hair. "It can't be all that bad!"

Beside me, Craig set my guitars down. "I thought that having your sister here might cheer you up."

I nodded as I pulled back and held Greer at arms' length. "How long can you stay?"

She shrugged. "I'm leaving after your bus pulls out."

"And Dad let you come?"

She laughed. "The only way that he'd let me go was if I promised to come straight back after you leave."

I smiled. "Too bad you can't stay on the tour with me for the summer. I can send you back before school starts."

The familiar mischievous gleam appeared in her eyes. "I was hoping that you'd say that!"

I laughed as I opened the hood of my car. "Come on. We'll call Dad when we get home."