Chapter 54

Greer laughed. "Good for you! You're finally getting a sense of humor!"

I gave her a slight nudge as I found my apartment key. "I've always had a sense of humor. You were just too busy with your boyfriends to notice!"

"Hey, now!"

I laughed as I opened the door to my apartment. "Well, this is it! Home sweet home for the next few days, anyway."

"Wow!" Greer said as she walked into the living room, looking around.

A smile spread across my face. "Well, what do you think?"

"I love it!" she said as she looked around. "This is so cute!" She walked around the room, and then turned abruptly to face me. "Hey! I have an idea!"

"Uh oh."

Greer laughed. "Now, this isn't bad. Let's go shopping!"

A slow smile spread across my face. "Sounds great! Let's go! I haven't been shopping for a while and I need to get some clothes for the tour, and I'll get you some things, too."

"Sounds good!"