Chapter 63

I shook my head as my eyebrows pulled together in concern. "What are you talking about?"

Logan bit his lower lip, as if trying to find the right words. "He told me that Craig paid him to kiss you. He also said that Craig knew I was there."

My heart slammed against my ribcage as if it had just hit a concrete wall. "He what?" It was just too much to take. "He's my manager, for heaven's sake!"

Logan cocked his head. "That's what he said. Is it true?"

I immediately rose to my feet. "How the hell am I supposed to know?!"

"Shush!" Logan said, looking around. "Everyone's looking "

"What cares?" I said, yelling at the top of my lungs. "I haven't seen you in months, and when I do, you accuse my manager of doing something to to "

"Get rid of me?" Logan supplied calmly. "Let's go somewhere and talk this out "

"Oh no!" I said as traitor tears streamed down my face again, but I wiped them away abruptly. "Logan, just leave me alone!" I turned to walk away.