Chapter 64

After a moment, he pulled back, breathless. "You want to get something to eat first?"

A devilish smile spread across my face. "Room service."

He smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that." Then, he yelled to the driver without taking his eyes from mine. "The Pierre."

"You got it, Mac," the driver said as he guided the cab easily through the city streets.

Logan pulled me into the crook of his arm and gently stroked my face as he looked into my eyes. Then, his lips touched mine tenderly at first, but it was soon filled with passion as he ran his hand down my arm and pulled me to his chest. After a moment, he pulled back, allowing me to catch my breath. "It's so good to see you again. I've

missed you."

I hated to ruin the moment, but I had to get something out. "Don't ever hurt me again."

His eyes were filled with pain, but it vanished quickly as he nodded. "I won't."

His lips devoured mine as his hand moved down my arm, raising gooseflesh along my skin.