Chapter 66

After we dried off, we dressed in jeans and sweaters, and rushed out into the cool, August air. On the sidewalk, Logan whistled loudly and a cab pulled to an abrupt stop.

"Nice trick!"

He laughed as he placed his arm around my waist. "Come on." He opened the back door of the cab for me, and I slid in first with Logan right behind me.

"Where to?" an East Indian man with kind eyes asked.

"Tiffany's," Logan said as he looked into my eyes.

A smile broke out across his smooth caramel skin. "You got it!"

We watched the high-rise buildings pass as we drove down the city streets of New York. People bustled by, each hurrying to their final destination. Each in a hurry to get nowhere. In this fast paced, fast food society, it made me wonder why people didn't stop to enjoy life, instead of hurrying through their lives.

The cab stopped, and when I looked up, there was a huge sign that read Tiffany and Company. Logan took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Come on. Let's go."