Chapter 67

"Do you like it?" I asked.

He nodded. "But the question is: do you like it?"

I smiled as tears sprang involuntarily into my eyes. "I love it."

Logan looked up at the salesman. "We'll take these. Can you wrap them up for us, please?"

A broad smile spread across the salesman's face. "Right away, sir."

As we were walking out of Tiffany's a few minutes later, a gleam appeared in Logan's eyes as he took my hand. "Let's go shopping."

I laughed. "I thought that's what we have been doing!"

"Come on. If you're going to meet my parents, you'll need a cocktail dress," he said as he pulled me to the street and whistled loudly, hailing a cab.

I laughed. "Really?"

"Yes. They dress for dinner," he replied when a cab came to an abrupt stop in front of us.

"I'm sure I have something that would be fine," I said as I slid into the cab and he climbed in behind me. "You don't have to buy me anything."

He gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "I want to."