Chapter 68

A laugh resonated within my chest. "I thought we were going to your parents' house tonight."

He kissed down my neck. "We have some time before we have to go." A mischievous gleam appeared in his eyes. "We have time to play, if you like."

I smiled. "Play what? Tidily Winks?"

A deep laugh burst from his lips. "Tidily Winks? Is that what they call it now?"

I chuckled. "No, silly! I was only kidding. It was a board game from my childhood."

His lips curled into a seductive smile. "Well, we can play 'Tidily Winks' all you want. I'll call my parents and will tell them that something came 'up'."

I laughed. "I like the way you think."


He gave me a sweet kiss as the elevator doors opened. He reached down for the packages that had fallen to the floor, and I did the same and then followed him down the hallway toward his room. He fumbled for the key, and a moment later, we dropped our bags to the floor behind us as we melted into each other's arms.