Chapter 87

The next day, Casey and I flew back to Nashville. She was much more relaxed this time, knowing what to expect. Over the next few days, I threw myself into my work, trying to make sense of it all. Frank had been busy and I hadn't been able to talk to him about Casey yet, but he had invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. Frank said it was at Roxanne's insistence, saying that we hadn't had time to catch up lately. I smiled at the thought of Frank's wife. She was a real sweetheart.

I let out a deep sigh. The more I thought of maybe having seen Logan, the more I was convinced that I was going crazy. But the image of him at the party and then the glimpse of him on the television kept running through my mind like a bad movie on continuous loop. Was Logan really alive, or was I just seeing things? A part of me wanted answers, but a part of me didn't. If he was really alive, then why did he lead me to believe that he was dead all this time?