Chapter 88

"May I interest you in some champagne, sir?" the waiter asked, carrying a bottle when he approached.

Craig smiled. "Yes, by all means and leave the bottle."

"Craig, I can't stay long. I have to get back to work," I said as I opened the menu.

He reached over and placed his hand over mine, but I pulled away and took a sip of my champagne.

Craig looked in my eyes. "I missed you while you were away."

Before I could reply, the waiter approached our table. "Welcome to Husk Restaurant. May I take your order, or would you like another minute?" he asked, sensing that he had just interrupted something.

Craig shook his head, and then looked over at me. "Are you ready?"

I nodded. "I'd like the catfish." I dearly loved catfish, and Husk had the best in town.

Craig closed his menu. "Sounds delicious," he said as he smiled.

I looked away.

"I'll have the same," Craig said, sobering.