Chapter 89

A moment later, Curt walked in, dressed in a gray suit with no tie, his white shirt opened at the neck, showing a few strands of hair on his chest, accenting his muscles that lay beneath.

"Curt," I said as I walked around the desk and gave him a quick hug. "What a surprise."

A grin spread across his face, illuminating the dimple on his cheek. "Well, I was in the neighborhood."

I laughed. "What brings you here? To what do I owe the honor?"

His face sobered. "Well, I'm here to discuss business, actually. Have you thought about my offer?"

I let out a deep breath. "Listen, Curt. I appreciate the offer, but if I decide to relocate to New York, then I'll do it myself."

He sat down in one of two club chairs setting on the wall to the left, under the window, illuminating his light brown hair. "That wasn't the whole offer. I'd like to set you up with your own consulting firm, as well."

"What about the contracts?" I asked as I sat down beside him.