Chapter 96

New York


"Excuse me," I said, exhausted from having to entertain all afternoon and evening. Mom had insisted on inviting every important political figure in New York for Thanksgiving. And instead of it being a down-to-earth, informal occasion, my mother had insisted on black tie.

"Are you well, dear?" Mom asked as she placed a kiss on the side of my head. "The Governor said that he wanted to talk to you about the water situation "

I let out a deep breath. "Mother, I'm exhausted."

"You aren't having another relapse, are you?"

"Mom, give it a rest," I said as I walked away, leaving her standing in the foyer, surrounded by house guests, many that I didn't even know. I walked up the stairs and into my suite, shutting the world-and my family-out. I had enough of wearing a plastic face, forcing smiles all day just to appease some political people that I didn't know.