Chapter 97

I no longer wanted the music, and it obviously didn't want me. No one from the music business had come to see me at all, not even my friends.

My mother and father kept talking to me about running for office, jumping into the political arena in some way. After my physical therapy came to an end, I started working out in an effort to regain my strength.

At first, I ran for City Counsel and, to my surprise, I won. That was when I started to feel like I could make a difference in the world, or at least in my little corner of it. After two years, I ran for President of City Counsel and won again. I held that office for two years and liked the difference I was able to make in the city. I ran for State Representative and won again. I started attracting attention and one thing led to another. Now, I was running for Senator.

I looked down at the bottle that I was holding and took another swig.