Chapter 99


There was a knock on the door facing of my office, and I about jumped out of my skin. "Got a minute?" Frank asked as he peeked his head in the door.

"Man! You just scared the tar out of me!" I said as I placed a hand on my chest. "What are you doing here?"

"That's what I was just going to ask you," he replied as he walked into my office. "It's the day after Thanksgiving! You should be home right now and not in the office, hammering away at who knows what!"

I walked around my desk and gave him a quick hug and an air kiss over his cheek, and then perched on the edge of my desk. "I took off Wednesday while Curt was here so I thought I'd come in and catch up."

"Is Mrs. Farrow off?" he asked as he absentmindedly picked up a paperweight that was setting on my desk.

I nodded. "Of course. I wouldn't expect her to work today."

Frank burst out laughing as he placed the paperweight back onto my desk. "And yet, here you are! Working away "

"That's different."