Chapter 100

He slid another drink in front of me, and then sat down with a box of seasoned French fries.

"Well?" I asked as he devoured a few fries.

He let out a deep breath as he watched me.

I finished my first drink and set it aside, and then pulled the other in front of me. Then, I looked at him expectantly. "What's going on?"

He sat back against the seat and sighed. I held my breath as I watched him. Usually, Frank was up front with me about everything. I'd never seen him quite so reluctant to tell me something. He leaned forward and folded his hands on the table, the fries forgotten. "Logan's alive."

My head began to spin, and I gripped the table for support. "Are you sure?"

He nodded as he placed his hand over mine. "Yes."

"Oh, God!" I said as I leaned over onto the table.

"Breathe," Frank said, and then shoved my drink at me.

I picked it up and downed it.

Frank rubbed my hand as he waited.

Tears welled up in my eyes. "But how? You said you went to his funeral."