Chapter 101

He nodded. "I'll drive you."

"What about my car?"

Frank stood up and then pulled a hundred-dollar bill from his wallet and laid it on the table. Then, he turned around and nodded to the bartender who nodded back, his eyebrows pulling together in concern. Then, Frank turned his attention back to me. "Give me your keys and I'll have someone drive it to your house later."

I fished around in my purse and pulled out my keys and handed them to him. I was in no condition to drive, and I knew it. I tried to stand up, but the room whirled around me. I gripped the edge of the table to steady myself, but Frank's strong hands gripped my shoulders to steady me. I picked up my purse and started to walk away, but I weaved. So, Frank scooped me up in his arms and carried me outside, walking quickly toward his car.

"How could he do this?" I asked, and then everything went black.