Chapter 104

"Cut the bullshit, Craig!" I said sternly. "Where's Alyssa?"

Craig stood his ground at the head of the table. "Logan, you need to calm down."

"You led me to believe that she was dead all this time!" I said as I took a step toward him. "Why?"

"Logan, you need to calm down now," Craig said, still standing his ground. "Sit down and we can discuss this like civilized people."

"Discuss this?" I asked as I took a step closer. "Oh, right now, I'm way beyond civilized! Why didn't you tell me? You knew that she was alive, didn't you?"

He looked in to my eyes for a moment, as if gauging how much to say. Then, he nodded slowly. "Yes. I knew."

"Then, why didn't you tell me?" I demanded as tears welled up behind my eyes, threatening to spill over. "You could have at least told me that she was alive!"

"Logan, she had a career," Craig said calmly.

"And I would have held her back," I said flatly, repeating everything that I already knew.

Craig nodded slowly.

"Where is she now?" I demanded.