Chapter 103


After I left Alyssa's old apartment, I was at a loss as to where to look next. I let out a deep breath as I looked around, wondering where to look next. When I left New York, I hadn't really thought it out. I guess I should have hired a private investigator to find her first. But this was something that I wanted to do alone.

I got back in my car and drove to downtown Nashville. The sun was still high in the sky. Nashville was the best. I hadn't realized just how much I'd missed it until just now. Almost of its own accord, my car drove to the Powder Keg Tavern. It had always reminded me of Alyssa.

"May I help you?" a gum smacking, bleached blonde waitress asked.

"Table for one," I said, loosening my tie. Somehow, here in Nashville, I didn't feel as comfortable wearing one.

She smiled. "Well, all right then. Right this way."

I smiled as I followed her to a secluded table and looked around. The place wasn't busy yet, but I was sure it would fill up fast.