Chapter 113


After celebrating the holiday with my family in Colorado, I left for Tennessee Friday morning. On the plane, I had plenty of time to think about Logan, about Curt, and about my decision to move to New York. By the time the plane landed, I knew what I was going to do about the later, at least.

I walked into my office a few minutes later and Mrs. Farrow stood up behind her desk. "Ms. Collins, welcome back! How was your trip?" she asked as she walked around her desk with her arms open wide.

I hugged her lightly and gave her air kisses over both cheeks. "It's good to be back," I said as I walked into my office, set my briefcase on my desk, and slipped my purse inside my desk. "Is Alanna in?"

She shook her head. "No. Ms. Keel isn't in yet."

I nodded. "Will you let me know when she arrives?"

She smiled. "Yes. Of course, Ms. Collins."

"Mrs. Farrow?" I asked, settling in. "Do I have anyone waiting?"