Chapter 112

I walked to my car and slid my briefcase in the backseat. Within minutes, I pulled out into traffic and through winding roads until I pulled up to the front gate of my parents' mansion. I entered the code and the gates opened. A moment later, I pulled up in front and headed up the stone stairs.

"Logan! Where the hell have you been?" my mother asked, greeting me with her hands on her hips as I walked in, dressed in a red silk dress and matching high heels. As usual, not a hair was out of place. "I've been worried sick about you!"

"Oh really?" I asked in disbelief as I pushed past her, hurried up the stairs, and headed straight for my bedroom. I grabbed a suitcase from the closet and started throwing clothes into it.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mother asked as she walked in the door.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked as I threw more clothes into the suitcase.

"Don't get smart with me," she said as she grabbed my arm.