Chapter 146

The crowd erupted in thunderous applause once again as the mayor stepped up to the microphone.

"So, eat, drink, and be merry," Mayor Townsend said from the stage behind me as I rushed down the side stairs, fighting through the crowd, trying to get to Alyssa as quickly as I could. "But make sure to dig deep in your pockets to help Logan Ambrose and the children!"

As I looked through the crowd, Frank, Alyssa, and Roxanne were standing, talking to my parents as a concerned look spread across Frank's face. Even Craig looked concerned. I seemed to move in slow motion as I hurried to her. But the faster I moved, the slower I felt I was moving. What seemed like an eternity later, I stepped up beside Alyssa and wrapped a protective arm around her. "Mom, Dad! What are you doing here?" I asked directly, not caring how it sounded.

"Why, son!" my mother began in a sickening sweet tone. "I'm here to celebrate the candidacy of my son for Senator!"