Chapter 147

All of a sudden, Craig stood in front of us, blocking the way. Frank saw Craig approach and crossed the room. "May I speak with you both for a minute?"

My heart suddenly sank, wondering what he had done to Alyssa. But I held my cool. If I hadn't learned anything else over the years, it was to curb my jealousy. I looked down at Alyssa, and she nodded. Anyone else would have walked away and let them speak alone. But from what I remembered of Craig, there was no way in Hell that I was going to let that happen.

"What is it, Craig?" Alyssa asked, stiffening.

He stole a quick glance at me, and then focused on Alyssa. "Look: I'm sorry for what happened the other day for the kiss " I stiffened as I clenched my fists at my sides, trying to hold my cool until he finished. " but I wanted you to know that it'll never happen again. I'd like to continue our professional relationship, and I promise that nothing like that will ever happen again."