Chapter 134

She knelt between my legs and smiled as she slowly unzipped my pants. I raised up as she pulled my pants down and discarded them onto the floor.

"Fuck, Alyssa," I said, so turned on that I was ready to come.

She knelt over me and kissed down my chest until she reached my boxers and I held my breath. She looked up at me and grinned as she clasped her fingers on the sides of my boxers and slid them slowly down as she kissed down my legs, careful not to touch my hard cock, lighting every nerve ending in my body on fire. There was something very sexy about not being able to touch her, and being at her mercy.

She knelt on the bed between my legs and watched my eyes as she undid her bra and let it slide down her arms and onto the floor.

"God. You're so hot," I breathed as I bit my lower lip.

A broad grin spread across her face at my reaction as she shimmied out of her thong, revealing her cleaned-shaved pussy, sending me over the edge.