Chapter 133

In the hallway, the press entourage was gone. There wasn't a reporter in sight. I took the elevator, and, downstairs, a blonde woman in a rose-colored suit and matching high heels approached. "Mr. Ambrose, do you have a minute? I'm Jessica Sanders with WTNG News."

I stopped and looked into her eyes. I was about to say no, but I nodded reluctantly. "What would you like to know?"

"Maybe we can discuss this over a drink?" she asked. Obviously, she had waited for me to come down all day.

I shook my head. "No, but if you have something to ask, then shoot."

She nodded, obvious disappointment prominent in her eyes. "Would you mind if I record this?"

I let out an exasperated breath. "Make it quick. I have somewhere to go."

She snapped on a hand micro-recorder in her hand. "What hospital were you talking about? The one with the children?"

"The Maria Fareri Children's Hospital here in New York."

"What is your goal for the hospital?"