Chapter 24: Masti, Part 3

On her last day in Ludhiana, as Tania sat alone in the living room, her legs folded under her, she thought about how she would narrate these last few days to Mom. The birthday party, Pinky aunty, Pari messing her hair every ten minutes, Harmeet saying Dad was a postman. She smiled to herself.

Her thoughts drifted to the message on Dad's phone. It had been imprinted in her mind. Miss you. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. She had recognized the name of the sender. A colleague from his office.

She didn't know why she hadn't told Mom. She should. It was her right to know.

"Taste kar. Is the salt okay?" Nandita walked in with a bowl of rajma and caught her deep in thought. "A penny for your thoughts."

"Nothing, bua. Bas thinking about going home tomorrow. I had so much fun. Thank you for having us."

"Pagal. You don't thank bua. You're always welcome here." Nandita hugged her.

It was then the brave face she had put up the entire time since Bali gave way, and she cried.