Chapter 25: Yes Boss, Part 1

Sameer's brows narrowed in a frown, as he dug out the newspaper cutting left in his in-box amongst piles of reports and mail. The quarterly results had been published and his name appeared as the signatory for management. He had signed off only on the provisional statements. Ketan had the responsibility for the final ones.

What was going on? First, Biochem figures get included in the Stonewell financial statements and then they get published, not in Ketan's name but in his name.

With the public issue coming up, it could be seen as a deliberate move to overstate profits and if it was, he was caught right in the middle of it. How could a company like Stonewell indulge in an act so unethical? There had to be another explanation. He needed to straighten it out with Ketan.

He called Ritu.

"Hey," she said softly.

"Hey. Is Ketan free?"

"Aww you didn't call for me?" she drawled, feigning disappointment.