Chapter 6

Venessa's pov

It has been exactly one week since I received that strange phone call, and ever since that night, in the back of my mind there's something that keeps telling me that I'm being followed and watched but I can't pinpoint who and why would someone do such a thing, I mean why me?

Also, I started having nightmares every night and as always it would be the same. I kept having that same nightmare, where I'm being chased by someone and I keep on running towards a dark alley until I reach a valley and as always I would wake up instantly, sweating and shaking violently.

The constant nightmares deprived me from sleep that I started getting bags and dark circles on my eyes.

On top of that, Mario and Andrew are really worried about me, they kept on asking me whether I'm okay or not and I keep on saying that I'm fine as I don't really want them to worry about me, they already had enough on their plate and I don't want to add more. So I didn't tell them that I feel like I'm being stalked by who knows who.

Besides, I don't really have proof to prove that I'm telling the truth. But that doesn't stop me from feeling guilty, I really hate lying to them but I guess I have to.


A sigh escaped from my lips as I glanced up at the grey sky slowly turning into a darker shade. I took out my umbrella from my bag as rain started to fall more heavily.

My walk to diner is really not too far, as I intentionally decided to live closer to save my lazy a*s from the long walk.

Reaching the diner, I frowned looking at the expensive car parked at the parking lot.

Who might it be? It can't be a customer as it's still early.

Thoughts ran through my head as I absently proceed to the door.

Pulling the door open, what I saw almost made my eyes jump out of their sockets, and my mouth immediately fell open.

There sat, grey eyed monster, with those two guys that were with him the other day and that was not all, there also sat Mario in their table talking with him as if they knew each other for years, they look pretty close with one another.

As if sensing my presence, the grey eyed monster looked up and stared at me as if he was a predator and I'm his prey.

I couldn't stop myself but to squirm upon his heated gaze, and again his stare was so intense that it almost made me feel insecure.

I quickly turned to the other side to go to the changing room and to hide myself there until the coast was clear.

I hastily went inside the changing room and leaned on to the door trying real hard to calm my heart that's beating extremely fast as if it would burst out my chest any moment.

Finally calming myself a bit, I went to the chair in the corner of the room to sit, as my legs are still slightly shaking.

Sitting down, I put my head in my hands, slightly regretting why I came so early today.

don't worry boo, remember, it was Mario who told you to come early as he needed help, my inner self said as if trying to persuade me that it's all a coincidence. But what is he doing here?, it's still so early and the diner's barely opened, maybe because he wants to see you?

Ohhh, don't be silly Venessa, why will he do that?.

I was so caught up with my thoughts when I heard the door creak opened, but I didn't bother to look up as I thought it could be any of my co workers finally coming. But boy, I was so wrong.