Chapter 7

Venessa's P.O.V

"Ehi, ecco la mia rosa", (hey, there my little rose) said a deep voice at the door. I shot my head up so fast that I thought I would break my neck.

I didn't quite understand what he said, but I didn't bother much as I was too busy gaping at him.

There he stood at the door, wearing a fine fitted armani suit. At that moment, my brain completely shut down.

I sat at the chair hypnotized by the greek god standing in front of me and I would be absolutely lying, if I say that I am not enjoying the sight in front of me.

I stood up from my chair almost stumbling as my legs started to feel like a jelly that is really unstable whenever he's around.

"Umm, can I help you?", I questioned him, careful not to stutter.

Really that's what you got? You're embarrassing yourself, sister. Says my stupid inner Venessa.

He proceeded towards me, and my heartbeat in process started to beat furiously hard, that I can hear it in my ears, and I would not be surprised if he too, can hear it .

He stood in front of me, not too close and not too far.

I lifted my head up to look at his face as he's too tall.

Um no, he's not tall, it's you, you're too short. Says inner Venessa. I swear this girl does not know when to speak and when not to.

Hell, this guy is really handsome, I'll not be surprised if he is a model. His jaw sharp with slight stubble making him look more drool worthy and his grey eyes almost looking black and his lips... snap out of it, Vanessa and focus...

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I questioned again thinking he probably did not hear me the last time.

But instead of answering my question, he did not. He just stood there looking at my face as if he was memorizing every feature of my face.

Heat started to rise up to my cheek as he continued to stare at me deeply.

My head bowed down voluntarily in shyness and to not let him see that he has an effect on me

He lifted my chin up with his thumb and index finger making me look up to him.

My breath hitched as I started to feel myself drowning in those beautiful eyes.

I stepped back creating a distance between us making him frown at me in process." Umm wh... what you want?" I ask stammering no longer able to control it.

"You, my little rose" He answered sounding so calm as if it was quite normal for him to say such things.

Upon hearing what he said, my brows knitted together in confusion.

"Excuse me?", I asked dumbly.

Seriously!?, that's what you got to say after he just confessed that he wants you? Girl you're an idiot!, says inner Venessa.

" You heard me, love", he says in his deep smooth voice. I stared at him in disbelief, this guy's crazy!, I tell myself, not finding any words to say anything.

" You cannot just come here and say that you want me, cause lemme tell you, it won't happen or maybe it will, but in your dreams." I ranted finally finding words to say what I feel.

I expected him to say something or to shout but instead he just looked at me amusingly as if he can't believe what I just said.

Ohh my god, this guy's crazy,

" Yes, I am, crazy for you" he replied. I look up to him and see him slightly smirking.

What the?? Did I just say that aloud?, I find myself asking inner Venessa. I guess you did as he just answered your question, inner Venessa says.

Ohhh my god, I think I'm going crazy. I said to myself waiting to wake up as it all feels like a nightmare for me.

I was so busy with my own thoughts that I didn't even realise that he grabbed my arm, gently but firm and started to drag me with him out of the room. I struggled to keep up with his pace and what happened next is what I never expected to happen.