Chapter 18

Vincent P.O.V

Fixing my tie, I hastily left my office to meet Rose, she has no idea that I would be coming, it's basically her break time, which means she would have some time to spend with me. Entering the elevator, I couldn't keep the excitement roaring inside me. Exiting the building, I went directly to my car wasting no time to drive to the diner.

Upon my arrival at the diner, as always everyone fell silent and looked at me with widened eyes as if they couldn't believe that it was actually me, what's wrong with these people? .

"Where is she?" I inquired Mario who's standing at the cashier going through the computer in front of him. "I gave her a day off today" he answered to me, knowing too well whom I was talking about. I knitted my eyebrows together, confused as I dropped her here in the morning, did something happen?.

"Why?" I ask him, no longer capable of controlling the anger inside me as I can literally feel that something happened and I'm not gonna like it.

"Something happened that caused her to be upset, so I told her to go home" Mario replied, as he rubbed his forehead.

"What the f*#k happened?" I asked him not caring even though everyone's literally looking and listening to our conversation. These people are too nosy, always poking their noses into others business. I started to become too desperate to know what happened but guessing from Mario's expression it's too clear that he's not gonna say anything.

I have to get out of here before I do something that I will regret later on. I say to myself, ignoring the looks I'm getting as I exited the diner.

I get inside of the car, thinking what could've happened that caused her to be upset, I'm gonna kill someone today, I can already feel my hands itching to do so. Sometimes it's really frustrating talking to Mario and as much I respect him, he seems useless when it comes to things like this. As I drove towards her apartment, curiosity started to eat me piece by piece, I even tried to call her but she just won't answer, I don't get it, your phone exists for a reason!!.

Remembering that I have a meeting in the next thirty minutes, I decided to call my assistant to cancel it despite how important that meeting is, as I know all too well, I won't make it in time, plus my queen always comes first before anything.

Arriving at her apartment, I wasted no time knocking at her door. I waited impatiently for her to open up, too tempted to break the door down but I can't do that. And as soon the door opened, I felt a relief washed over me, it's clear that she's not expecting me. Her eyes look swollen, it's obvious that she's been crying, and her cheeks and nose looks red, which makes her too cute, I'm becoming too soft. Her hair is messy and all over the place, but she still looks amazing and she has a blanket on her shoulders, and she's sniffing. What the hell? What happened to cause her look like this? And It looks like I'm surely staying with her for a long time.

"Aren't you gonna invite me in, my love?" I found myself saying those words for the second time today to her. It's going to be a long talk