Chapter 19

Venessa's P.O.V

After coming home from the diner, there I lay on the couch with the Harry Potter series playing in the tv in front of me, and no matter how many times I've already watched it, I don't know why but it always seems new and exciting to me, it never gets old. And as much I'm enjoying the movie playing in front of me, I still couldn't get over with the conversation I had with Andrew, it keeps on coming back into my mind, especially when he said that I'm gonna regret it, what did I even do? and what am I gonna regret? I still can't believe what happened.

I thought I could trust him. I used to rely on him, but I guess they're right, nothing lasts forever, just like our friendship and soon my marriage.

I couldn't help the sigh escaping from my lips, as I ponder what I even did to deserve this, first my parents and now Andrew, I'm just too unlucky. I feel unwanted like I used to feel back when I was in high school.

Ughh,stop thinking about it, you're already depressed enough, I mentally told myself. Why does it always happen, when you're feeling down you can't just help but think about things that make you feel worse even more, or it's just me, yeah I guess it's just me... I'm crazy and I talk to myself. No no no, you're talking to me, says inner Venessa.

Trying really hard to focus on the television in front of me, a sudden ringing of the doorbell made me jump. I groaned not wanting to get up, as I'm too comfortable and I know that once I get up, I wouldn't be comfortable like before.

After two more times of the bell ringing, I lazily walk up at the door with a blanket still on my shoulders. I probably look horrible right now but I don't care, cause real girls are never perfect and perfect girls are never real. That's what my mother used to tell me.

The moment I pull the door open, my breath hitches and my heart starts hammering against my chest, it feels as if it is alive again. He is here, but what is he doing here?. And how did he know I came home early? And why does he have to look so handsome?

Focus Venessa not on his looks of course but on the matter on hands. I mentally scold myself as I quickly let him in, suddenly feeling embarrassed by my shoes thrown across the room, I should've kept that in the rack earlier rather than throwing it there. But my dramatic ass didn't, and now I'm regretting it.

He took a seat on the couch, where I lay a second ago. I watch him astonished by how calm and comfortable he looks. He patted the seat next to him, indicating I should join him. Should I go? Tell me!!!.

Reluctantly, I advanced towards him and took a seat next to him. This is too awkward.

I looked up to him and saw that he's looking at the movie playing in front of us but it's too clear that he's not paying attention to it, he looks like he wants to say something but he's deciding against it, his jaw clenched together making him look more mouthwatering. Why on earth do I notice these types of things in serious situations? I shook my head mentally, disappointed by my own actions.

He sighed, turning his attention to me. I glanced at him and saw that he was already staring at me. He's grey eyes shone through the dim lit room making me drown at them.

"What happened?" He inquired, making me snap out of my little daze, "uhmm, what are you talking about?" I ask him confused what he was talking about.

" I'm talking about what ever happened at the diner" he responded looking at me so intensely, it makes me feel like I'm melting. Wait, how did he know about that? I look up at him directly in the eyes as I felt the anger starting to boil inside me, what happened at the diner shouldn't concern him.

"How did you know about it?" I asked him, irritated. He ran his hand through his hair, messing it.

"I went to the diner and you weren't there, so asked Mario and he said that something happened that caused you to go home early, so now tell me what happened," he answered.

" Nothing happened, okay," I replied back stubbornly. "Tell me now, Venessa" he demanded slightly rising his voice, and his eyes glaring right at me, making me almost cower away.

As much as I like it that he's concern about me, there's something inside me that keeps telling that it's all fake, and he doesn't actually care about me, he's just pretending and no matter how hard I try to push it aside, I just can't, I can't afford to get hurt again. I won't be able to bear it. I have already been through a lot and I don't want no heartbreak anymore.

"Stop acting like you care, cause you don't" I whispered looking down at my knotted fingers, not wanting to voice it aloud, I looked up to him, and from the look that he gave, I was sure my stupidass just said it aloud.

"fidati di me amore mio, anche se mi costringo a smettere di preoccuparmi per te, non posso proprio." He answered in Italian making me wonder what he had just said.

(trust me my love, even if I force myself to stop caring about you, i just can't.)